What is the death rate on Everest?

If you want to climb the high altitude mountain then you should be careful. But rather than Mt Everest, the other nine mountains are deadlier and have a high death rate. According to NASA theres only a 4% death rate on Everest which makes it no.10 deadliest mountain in the world. But it doesn’t mean there’s no death in Mt Everest; less than 5 people die among 100 people after summit attempts. Likewise, Annapurna I which is 10th highest mountain has a 32% fatality rate and K2 or Mount Godwin-Austen has a 29% fatality rate, Nanga Parbat has a 20% fatality rate and many more. Thus, you can find more deadliest mountains than Mt Everest, even though it’s the highest mountain in the world.

Note: On April 18, 2014, 16 Sherpas were killed from the avalanche and on April 25, 2015, 19 people were killed from avalanche at base camp following 7.8 earthquakes.

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As the head of Pristine Nepal Treks and Expedition, he is the inspiration for all the young generation who wants to work in the trekking field. As he is working in the tourism/trekking field from a young age he is always interested to learn and exploring more about the Himalayas, Culture, History, and politics too.

With a very friendly nature, smart personality, and kindness he is an expert in the tourism sector and has already organized countless trekking trips and going on.

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